Given that and , we can apply on the left of both sides to get and . Since the structure preservation property enforces , we can subsitute into our expressions to get and . If , it follows directly that .
Example4.9.2.Exercise 2:.
If instead we know that ...
Like before, if can apply on the left of and to get and . We can expand the whole thing out and apply a repeated subsitution using .
Thus and . If , then .
Example4.9.3.Exercise 3:.
If ...
Knowing , just apply on the left of both sides to get . It follows that is also a ’fixed point’.
Example4.9.4.Exercise 4:.
Give an example in which...
Since we’re given a "hint" let’s use it. Consider and . Our only possible map has the following diagram:
Figure4.9.5.Only possible map
Here the point has the desired properties. Since , is not a fixed point in . However, and is a fixed point of . These fixed points are a "one-way" relationship. Since is fixed in then must be fixed in , but just because is fixed in doesn’t mean is fixed in .
Example4.9.6.Exercise 5:.
Show that if ...
Based on what we’ve seen so far, I’m thinking that these properties might be satisfied by the following map :
Figure4.9.7.Map from a 4-cycle to a 2-cycle
Essentially, I’m taking the 4-cycle and splitting it in half. Perhaps the best way to illustrate that we get the desired properties is with a table:
Table4.9.8.Validation table for Session 14 Exercise 5
Since the last columns are equal, we know this is a valid -map. For each point in ,. For each point in ,. However, implies that .
I can imagine that this leads into some divisibility rules for cycles. I was only able to shrink the cycle here because 4 is evenly divisible by 2. If two cycles are relatively prime in lengths, the only cycle we’d be able to map them to (and still preserve our structure) is a "fixed point".